This mobile app project was created in association with the ArtCenter Hackathon and DesignStorm™.
My team of 3 was given a 2-week period to fully complete and design this app and all its assets and components. We were then given highly positive feedback by leading industry and health professionals.

Revive is a mobile UI designed for COVID-19 Quarantiners.
Revive is a health recovery system, designed for COVID-19 quarantine that creates a personalized health plan. Revive aims to help lessen the anxiety of a COVID-19 diagnosis by stimulating your senses, keeping track of your progress, and providing encouragement and motivation.
This app is designed to be your health tracker and motivator, seamlessly transitioning to wearables for on-the-go reminders.

Design Criteria
Mentally and Physically to the User and Data Gatherers
The User to feel in control of their own circumstances
The User daily to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle
To the world of Public Health, Disease, and Data

The App

Daily Check-Ins
The app guides you through two check-ins per day, monitoring your symptoms, temperature readings, and general well-being.

What if I’m possibly COVID-19 positive?
If Revive detects that you may have the signs for a positive reading, it will calmly tell you your options, and provide directions to the nearest health organization that accepts your insurance.